about us
Anna's House Foundation is a faith-based organization whose mission is to provide immediate, stable and loving homes for Oklahoma's children in state custody. AHF desires to offer a future of hope and faith to foster children and foster families by providing housing, support, training, and resources in a Christian community setting. We provide an exceptional, personal network of support for families in Oklahoma County and contingent counties caring for children in foster care, and the unique needs children share.
Children enter into foster care when a judge determines it is no longer safe for them to remain with their caregiver, often their parents. Common reasons for removal include domestic violence, drug abuse, neglect, physical / sexual abuse, or inadequate housing. While biological parents work a court ordered plan, children are temporarily placed in a foster care home. The goal of foster care is for children to reunite with their parents. In certain cases adoption may occur.

Anna's Story
Anna was born in the Oklahoma County jail on January 1st, 2007. She was ten weeks premature and pronounced clinically dead by medics. Anna miraculously regained her heartbeat and lived on a ventilator at Children's Hospital for the next six weeks.
After a failed kinship placement, Anna returned to the hospital with a diagnosis of double pneumonia and "failure to thrive." Doctors were skeptical that she would make it through the first night. Anna survived not just one night but 70 nights at Children's Hospital without visits from anyone other than her DHS worker.
The doctors feared that if Anna did not bond with a parent very soon, she would likely die. The Harkins family learned of her situation and, after spending many nights with her in the hospital, brought her home as her foster parents, eventually adopting her on January 28, 2009.
Despite a damaged trachea and lungs, Anna continues to thrive and grow stronger each day. She is a part of a family that loves and nurtures her, something that every baby deserves. This experience with Anna inspired the family to begin a foundation named after her dedicated to the needs of newborns and infants in foster care. In August of 2009 Anna's House Foundation was formed, seeds were planted, and fruit continues to grow.

The Anna's House Foundation
1101 N Bryant Avenue
Edmond, OK 73034