2020 Gala Recap!

Like so many other events in our community, our 9th annual Gumdrops and Lollipops event was virtual this year. We want to extended our most sincerest thank you to our sponsors, auction item donors and event participants.  While we certainly missed our candy themed atmosphere and our ability to share the impact of our program in person, we continue to recognize our responsibility in keeping our friends and supporters safe! Past proceeds from the event have helped Anna’s House realize the vision of our foster care community, meet the needs of our foster parents as they navigate the challenges of COVID, and help develop a fund that will allow us to serve vulnerable children for years to come. This year, we were able to raise about half of annual amount and nearly reached our $300,000 goal. All in all, we consider that a huge success! And, we look forward to coming together in September 2021.