Receiving a Blessing and Being a Blessing

The Pickett Family, who has been serving with Anna’s House since 2017, recently donated over 1,000 diapers and 2,000 wipes to our foster families! We sat down with them to talk a little bit about their fostering journey, why they chose Anna’s House, and the significance of receiving a blessing and being a blessing.

“We [Mathew and Emily Pickett] both felt a strong calling from God to foster. I was doing a Bible study and read the
verse James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. Matt had
had some similar experiences so we knew it was something we were suppose to do. I began searching the internet for agencies and Anna’s House stood out automatically because the exact same Bible verse was posted on the website. The more we read about Anna’s House and its story, the more we loved it!”

All foster families at Anna’s House receive a Care Specialist, a dedicated individual who walks alongside them in their foster care journey while providing emotional, spiritual, and tangible supports. “Our Care Specialist, Lauren, has been amazing and when we are stressed to our max, she always has a solution, which comes in the form of some type of support (respite, good advice, meals, gift cards, etc) that we would never have access to on our own. One thing I personally love about Lauren is that she has the best interest of our entire family in mind at all times. She cares about us and our biological kids as well as our foster kids”, Emily explained.

At our office in Edmond we have a Resource Room full of diapers, wipes, clothing, books, toys, and baby equipment for our families to utilize. Tangibly supporting foster families is incredibly important to us, and the Picketts have been on the receiving end of this blessing. However, they also wanted to bless others. “Our Sunday school classes had a baby shower for Jesus to teach the importance of giving and I needed to decide where to donate the items. To me, it just made sense to choose Anna’s House. They have been so supportive of us so it made sense to do something to support them. I also saw it as a way to help support my fellow foster families. I know what a difference even the little things make in the day to day of fostering. It was amazing to see children and families want to give and help children in foster care and the families that care for them. It helped reinforce that we’re never really alone on this journey, whether it’s us helping someone else or someone else helping us”.

Thank you Emily at Matthew for not only fostering, but helping other foster families on their journey! Please join us in prayer for the Pickett Family as they strive to show the love of God to each and every child that walks through their door!