Little Steps Lead to Big Change

Mark and Debbie had their biological children later in life. So, when they found themselves at the empty-nester stage, but not quite grandparents yet, they missed having children around to travel with, take in the RV, and bring new life experiences to. Because they have that love for children, and experiencing new things through their eyes, they decided to foster. 

Debbie says, “we chose Anna’s House because it’s a Christian organization. We’ve been amazed at the resources for our own training, clothing and supplies for the kids, and emotional support that Anna’s House offers.”

While Mark and Debbie acknowledge that foster care comes with challenges, they say that seeing the progress these kids make when given structure, love, and a safe home, makes it all worth every bit of effort. Their favorite part is when the walls come down, and the kiddos they’re loving start to trust them enough to laugh and play like kids again.

Debbie says, “Fostering has allowed our entire family to realize how truly blessed we are. There is a huge, unmet need for families to care for these children. It takes so little to change these kids’ lives for the better.”

We’re so thankful for you, Mark and Debbie! We love how much you love our littles!