This Is What We Do

This past June our agency rallied around one of our single mommas, Tarina, and her foster child. We sat down and discussed what that meant to her, how it helped her foster child, and prayer requests needed.

Specifically how has Anna’s House helped support you in your foster care journey?

“Wow, where do I begin? Anna’s House has been there every step of the way. It was a whirlwind when I first became a Foster Mom. I signed my official papers and within 24 hours I received a call from Ms. Ramona that changed my life for forever, I was about to bring home a brand new preemie baby girl.  As soon as I got to the hospital to meet Baby B, Jennifer was there with what I like to call the “starter kit” for brining home baby. She brought a brand new car seat, diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, etc. My caseworkers have always been a phone call away to help me process the ups and downs of foster care. The staff and volunteers have been so thoughtful from gift cards for Christmas, delicious food baskets at Thanksgiving and so much more”.

How did baby B end up in the hospital? How long was she there for? 

“Our most recent stay was very unexpected. Baby B was running a high fever for a few days and due to her past medical issues, I thought it was time to get her checked out. On our way to the hospital I began to pray that God would heal Baby B but also that we would get answers.  As I sat in the room with B going through the typical questions, past history, disagreeing with the resident (which is pretty typical with this Mama Bear) the Attending Physician finally came in. She began asking some of the same questions. I couldn’t help but think at that moment that we were about to get dismissed, but something was different with this doctor. She took the time, listened and had a plan. We agreed not to put B through any unnecessary testing. The results from a simple urine test made the doctor do a 180 in her treatment plan. We went from getting ready to be discharged to the doctor saying three words I was not ready to hear, “Failure to Thrive”. For a brief second my heart sank in that moment. I never wanted her to be labeled with anything other than positive attributes, but this was becoming a reality. I took a deep breath, with tears in my eyes, and Baby B in my arms, I looked at the doctor and said, “Ok what do we need to do?” In my heart, I knew that God was setting us up for the answers that we have been needing for over a year. I also knew that I had an amazing group of people in my life and at Anna’s House that would be there to help carry me and B through this unforeseen journey. We were admitted early on a Monday morning and a whole team of doctors were on the case. There was one common thread throughout our stay, Baby B’s symptoms were all pointing to a diagnosis of Diabetes Insipidus, which if goes untreated or undiagnosed could be life threatening. A simple prayer and fever has potentially saved her life. We will go for further testing this next month to confirm the diagnosis”.

What did it mean to you to have staff members come to the hospital and sit with B?

“As a single foster mom who has no immediate family here in Oklahoma, it meant the world to me. Thankfully, I own my own business and have somewhat of a flexible schedule, but like everyone else, you have to work to pay the bills and keep food on the table.  If you have ever had your kiddo in the hospital you know the last thing you want to do is leave them, especially with someone they do not know. Due to COVID restrictions I couldn’t have just anyone come sit with B, so to have the staff at Anna’s House come and take care of her for me was such a relief to my mama heart. I knew that she would be well taken care of, loved on and more importantly with people of like faith who were believing for restoration in her body. I remember seeing the post on Facebook asking for prayer for us as she was in the hospital and it brought tears to my eyes. At that moment I was able to see an army of believers coming together to pray for us and support us. There is no way I could be a single foster mom with a kiddo that has had some of the challenges she has had without my God, my family and the support of Anna’s House”.

How can donors and supporters be praying for you?

“1. Please pray for Baby B to continue to gain weight (she gained 5 ounces last week WHOOHOO!!!!!) we still have a ways to go but we will celebrate the small victories. 2. As we go for testing and doctors appointments, we will get answers and clarity on how to help her THRIVE. 3. Grace and Strength needed day by day. To the donors and supporters, THANK YOU for all you do. Your simple acts of kindness are making a huge impact”.

Know that when you give to Anna’s House Foundation, you are directly supporting foster parents like Tarina. Whether your donation be big or small, there is impact greater than you can imagine.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. – 2 Corinthians 9:6-8