The Note That Changed Everything

Ashley is a teacher, and she saw some of her students were at risk of being removed from their homes and school. Ashley knew she had to do something, and the Lord directed her to foster care through Anna’s House.

“The Lord showed me Anna’s House Foundation, and it changed my life,” Ashley said. “Everyone in Anna’s House Foundation has been incredible. They pray with me all the time. If more people knew about Anna’s House Foundation, I think more people would want to be foster parents. They make the process so easy, and they are always there every step of the way.” Ashley is now fostering four children and took in a teen girl in fall of 2020. In the midsts of day to day routines, it’s easy to forget the impact you make on your peers, your spouse, and your children. She recently received this note, and we hope it warms your heart as much as it warmed ours! 

“Dear Mama, I know life lately has been kinda scary & frustrating. I know that you are truly trying your best. I know you pray and hope that the things I am going through stop, but I want you to know that you just continuing to allow me into your home, life, and family already lessen the amount of sadness on my chest. Just being here to hold me when I cry, not leaving my side when I shut down, and holding my hand when you see all the pain behind my eyes already makes me feel like I can get through this with you by my side. You have truly changed my life and I don’t think I tell you that enough. I love you so much. Thank you for just being YOU”.

We are happy to announce that on Friday, March 26th, Ashley adopted her and now has a forever family! We praise God for what he has done and continues to do in the lives of our foster children!