Interning at Anna’s House

Riley Powelson, a senior at Oklahoma Christian University, has been our wonderful Spring itern for the past 3 months! She has been able to shadow court hearings and home visits, plan Easter Party and Support Groups, and will leave AHF with the tools to successfully launch her into a career of social work. Read about Riley’s experience below!

“Close to four months ago, I found myself looking for a spring internship that would allow me the opportunity to work with children. As I began looking online, I found a colorful and welcoming foundation called Anna’s House Foundation. Anna’s House Foundation focuses their passion on serving children within foster care. The more information that I read about the beautiful foundation, the more I knew that this was the foundation that I was called to learn and grow from. To this day, I still thank God for blessed me with this Foundation.

            To begin my journey, my interview experience did not begin normally. With the rise of Covid-19, I found myself completing my interview online. Within a day, I was blessed to receive the call that I was chosen to be Anna’s House’s Spring 2021 Intern. The exciting news brought so much happiness to my family and I because this will become my first real experience in getting to work alongside other adults. Let me tell you, for my first experience, I could not have been more blessed. The staff at Anna’s House Foundation welcomed me with open arms and that is something I will never forget. I was given the opportunity throughout my internship to get to work and learn from each of them and I loved every second of it. Not only is this foundation beautiful inside and out, but so are the staff.

Throughout this opportunity, I have gained an even stronger passion to serve others. I have seen personal growth in many ways. I have grown in my communication skills with others, organization skills, care-giving, responsibility, time-management, flexibility, and passion to serve others. I could not thank Anna’s House enough for allowing me to learn and grow in the most beautiful and unique ways. The lessons and knowledge that I have learned from this Foundation will carry with me as I move forward in my own career.

As you come across this post, you yourself may be looking for an internship or maybe you are just looking to volunteer somewhere. If one of those are you, I strongly believe that Anna’s House Foundation is the place for you. A place where you are welcomed to grow, learn, and serve others in unique and fun ways. As my time comes to an end as Anna’s House’s 2021 Spring intern, my love for this foundation does not end. I plan to continue this journey in a new role as a volunteer and I hope to meet you along my journey here”.

If you would like to apply for our Fall 2021 Internship, please contact