“Fostering is Not About You”

I always said “I’d never foster, I would never be able to give them back!” And then God got ahold of my heart and said “but it’s not about you Courtney!” And from that moment on I’ve been clinging to God for every crazy step in this beautifully broken system. I pray that my “yes” can also give others a little push to say “yes” too!

He’s writing a better and bigger story than I can ever dream (and I dream big) and He’s just asking me to be obedient. Anna’s House has been my rock from the very first phone call I had with them. They’re always reminding me and proving to me that this isn’t a calling we walk alone. I’m six months into my first placement, and most likely she’ll return back to her sweet momma this Spring. She’s the most precious joy bomb, and we all couldn’t love her more! It’s been a wild adventure with ups and downs, and the thought of her leaving my home is super sad, but this is what I signed up for. I want to be a small part of some families getting back on their feet, and by God’s grace, this one will have the happiest ending – and I pray the relationship I’ve built with her momma will continue past reunification.

It’s only by God’s hand and direction I’m even walking this road, and it’ll only be in His strength I continue each day—but there’s no place I’d rather be than in His grip of grace!

– Courtney, Foster Mom with Anna’s House Foundation