A Foster Mom’s Perspective

To Ashley, the best part of being a foster parent is being there with children as they experience big events for the first time.

Ashley is a teacher, and she saw some of her students were at risk of being removed from their homes and school. Ashley knew she had to do something, and the Lord directed her to foster care. Ashley found the Anna’s House Foundation and felt immediately drawn to the organization. 

“The Lord showed me Anna’s House Foundation, and it changed my life,” Ashley said. “Everyone in Anna’s House Foundation has been incredible. They pray with me all the time. If more people knew about Anna’s House Foundation, I think more people would want to be foster parents. They make the process so easy, and they are always there every step of the way.” Ashley is now fostering four children, and she said the best part is experiencing new things with them.

“You don’t know how long you’ll have with them, so I am trying to make the most out of my time with them,” Miller said. “Being there for the big things is great and seeing their excitement on their faces when they get to experience something new is an incredible feeling.”

One of the most standout experiences as a foster parent for Ashley was when she took her kids on a trip to Texas. One of her foster kids had never been out of the state of Oklahoma, so when he crossed state lines, he didn’t know what to expect.

“We passed the sign that said, ‘Welcome to Texas,’ and he pointed it out and exclaimed, ‘The sign said we’re in Texas, but it doesn’t look any different than Oklahoma.’ “It was a great experience to be with him while he got his first experience of a different state.”

Ashley is fostering these kids as a single mom, but she is not alone. “Anna’s House Foundation has been a great support to me. If you’re considering being a foster parent, take the leap. Have an open mind. There is the good, the bad and the ugly, but it’s an amazing experience.”