The Importance of Bridging

Janis felt alone in this world. After losing her parents, and finding herself on a path she didn’t intend, she was fighting an uphill battle with addiction and struggling to keep her family together. Eventually, her children were removed from her custody. Understandably, she started to feel like everyone involved in this process with her…

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“Our Foster Child is Worthy”

Kira felt God calling her to foster care at a young age. She shared this desire with her high school sweetheart, but chose not to push the issue, knowing that if they were going to do it one day, they would both have to be all in. Fast forward a few years, the couple (now…

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Little Steps Lead to Big Change

Mark and Debbie had their biological children later in life. So, when they found themselves at the empty-nester stage, but not quite grandparents yet, they missed having children around to travel with, take in the RV, and bring new life experiences to. Because they have that love for children, and experiencing new things through their…

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From Foster Parent to Foster Care Specialist

Aly Stuart, a Care Specialist at AHF, was previously a foster mom with our agency! She is now stepping into foster care to help families just like hers. Read her story below! “Growing up my mother engraved in me the importance of helping those in need and to takeevery opportunity given to strive to be…

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Fostering Changed our Family, in the BEST Way!

One of the biggest fears that families have prior to stepping into foster care, is how it willaffect their family. There are rational fears behind the effects of opening your home to anadditional child (or four…but we’ll revisit that later). Before we make any life-altering decisions,most of us contemplate the pros and cons, and we…

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Why Choose an Agency? Hear From Our Staff

A common question asked by prospective foster families as they begin the fostering process is “Why go through an agency? Why not just go through DHS?” That is a good question to ask when familiarizing yourself with the world of foster care. Both entities, the Department of Human Services and agencies, provide levels of support…

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Spring at Anna’s House!

What an amazing April it’s been for our agency! After 2 years of having altered events + volunteer groups due to COVID, we are thrilled to have our events back to normal and weekly volunteer groups in our office/community. Read below for April highlights! April 1st was our Easter Party! Our board members, young professional…

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Beauty From Ashes

It was an emotional day for our agency on March 12th, 2022. That particular afternoon, a fire heavily damaged one of the homes in our foster care community. The Lord is sweet in his blessing and the family is safe. For those looking to help, we ask for your prayers. We pray for peace for…

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Church in a Pasture Making a Big Difference

Dr. Scott and Karla Stubbs, long time supporters of Anna’s House Foundation, met in a pasture with their friends and family during the lockdown of 2020. Wanting to read the word of God and connect with other believers, they soon found themselves coming together every Sunday, lawn chairs in tow, and Simply Church Stillwater was born.…

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Receiving a Blessing and Being a Blessing

The Pickett Family, who has been serving with Anna’s House since 2017, recently donated over 1,000 diapers and 2,000 wipes to our foster families! We sat down with them to talk a little bit about their fostering journey, why they chose Anna’s House, and the significance of receiving a blessing and being a blessing. “We…

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